Alpha Page 10
Chloe smiles and fixes her shirt it is all twisted and wet from her tears.
“That makes sense, I understand. Thank you for being there for us.
I would have never thought I’d get along with you ever. I always wanted to kill you after your kind almost killed Sky. But I am very thankful for you now.” said Chloe
Chloe stood up and moved closer to Von. She could see that he was breathing heavily, and his bulge was rising from his pants.
“I have been wanting to do this for a long time and from the looks of it you feel the same way” said Chloe
Chloe grabbed Von shirt and pressed a soft wet kiss on his lips. The kiss was sweet and passionate. He returned it with passion and power. Their hunger grew for each other as their tongues twist and turned in each other’s mouth. Von stopped for a second and stared at Chloe.
“Are you sure you want to do this?’ asked Von
“Yes, and maybe we can finally release the tension between us two.” said Chloe
Von smirked and folded his hands in front of his face. His eyes turned almost white as he smiled.
“I am going to enjoy this very much; I hope you are ready.” said Von
Chloe smirked as Von made his way on to the bed. He made his way up towards her face like a predator about to devour his prey. His eyes locked onto Chloe’s eyes. His look gave her shivers all over her body. How could something so evil be so sexy to her. He ripped her clothes off her body with full force. She gasped in surprise and amusement. She was shocked by his action and force, but remembered that he was a wild vampire. She had to expect this and much more.
She reached to rip open his top and ripped open his pants with one hand. He smiled at her, letting her know he was enjoying it. Von was very impressed by her strength and got rock hard. He began to lower himself and began to taste Chloe’s skin on his lips. He licked all over her legs and thighs and made his way up to her inner thigh. She moans in pleasure as he made his way up to her sweet spot. Her taste was pure ecstasy for him and he licked and sucked her until her back began to arch. She grabbed the pillow and moaned in pleasure. She then grabbed his hair and leaned her body towards his face. She let go of his head and arched her back some more while gripping the sheets. He pleased her until she orgasmed. Once she did, she immediately grabbed Von and threw him under her. She got on top of him and rode him with all her juices flowing down.
Chapter 12
The experience was all too much for him. He almost changed into vampire form. He slowed down for a second and threw her under him. He placed her on her stomach this time and kissed her neck and her back. He began to enter her again but this time from behind leaving Chloe speechless. He picked her up and threw her on the wall. They kissed so roughly that they ran out of breath. When it is all done, they laid in bed next to each other completely out of breath and worked out. The room was destroyed and her wall was cracked.
“That was insane!” said Chloe
Von smiles back.
“That is how it always is with me in case you decide to do this again.” said Von
Chloe playfully hits him and starts getting dressed.
“I think its best you start getting dressed as well and leave Von. The pack can be here any minute.” said Chloe
“Yes of course, my master has been calling for me anyway. I have enjoyed myself. Let’s do this again soon.” said von
“Well if we do this often that means you will be replacing my sheets and walls every time” said Chloe
“Maybe you can come to my place soon. My walls are strong and built for destruction, and the castle is pretty strong, Goodbye for now my love, see you soon.” said Von
Von vanished into thin air. Chloe started cleaning her room and picking up everything that they broke in the moment. She started thinking about her amazing experience and smiled. It was everything she thought it would be and more. She was glad she finally got that out of her system.
Von arrived back at the mansion to see why his master have been calling for him. The minute Von entered the castle Vil came running down the massive steps.
“Von you are here!” yelled Vil
“Hey, what’s going on?” asked Von
“The witches! They have attacked the castle. They killed four! We must retaliate this moment! We were waiting for you and everyone to arrive before we left.” said Vil
“Has anyone found out their motives or reasons for attacking yet? It has been centuries since they even shown their faces, why now?” asked Von
“No, men are still investigating.” said Vil
“Well we can’t attack just yet; the wolves need at least another week to train more. Chloe is a new wolf and a new Alpha; things won’t go as smooth for her.
Have the oldest vampires outside the mansion to protect it.” yelled Von
Von walked up the steps and made his way to see the headmasters. He explained everything he has learned, and they make a plan to attack the witches.
Back at Chloe’s house she made her way to the kitchen and grabbed a snack. She sat down and turned her laptop on and began working. The pack slowly started making their way home from their shifts. Chloe tells them that she has made sandwiches for everyone. She tells them to meet her out back once they were done eating so that they could begin training. They all made their way to the backyard to train. Once there, they found five witches dead near the woods. The number of witches being sent to kill them increased tremendously. Troy and Mandy grew closer than ever. After his injury they realized how much they meant to each other. The relationship they build was like siblings, and it was very close. Sky was insanely closer to Chloe and considers her a natural blood sister. James, and Luke remained strong and focused. They helped Chloe become strong and unstoppable. The days went by quickly and the pack felt ready for battle. James opened the mailbox and found an invitation in the mail.
“Everyone gather around! We have been invited to the vampire’s headquarters. They want us to come and formulate a plan with them and prepare properly.” yelled James
“How exciting! Everyone bring your swimsuits just in case. I hear this place is huge and have epic pool parties.” Said Chloe
“I am excited to see this mansion” said Sky
“So am I.” said Chloe
The pack all transformed and ran to the mansion. Von sensed Chloe immediately from miles away. He smiled and let the other vampires know that the wolves were near. He waited to meet them in the woods close to the mansion. When the pack noticed him standing ahead, they all stopped running.
“Good morning!” said Von
“Good morning.” said James
“Did you sense our arrival?” asked Luke
“Of course, he did, I sensed him as well, a few miles away.” said Chloe
“Yes, I did. Welcome! But I have come here to warn you all about the witches and to make sure you arrived to the castle safely. They have attacked the mansion. When I arrived last week, four were killed. Let’s hurry up and make our way to the mansion before we get into a surprise battle out here.” said Von
Upon arrival the headmasters greet and welcome the pack immediately. They explain all that needed to be done, and the dangers. They planned on attacking the witches the following day. The pack were welcomed to join the pool party that was already happening outside. The pack all ran outside ready for fun. They undressed and prepared to enjoy the sun and destress.
Luke ran and made a big splash with a cannonball. His perfect muscular body glistened in the sun. He wore red swim briefs that showed more than needed. His package and tight butt barely fit in them.
“And that my friends, is how you enter the pool!” laughed Luke
“I am going to sit this one out but enjoy guys.” said James
James sat on a lounge chair letting the sun tan his already perfect body. His body was a little bigger than Luke’s, but Luke had tight abs, they both had most of the vampire women staring. Sky called James a party pooper and took her towel o
ff. She dived in to the pool and swam to the other end. Her beautiful red hair flowed in the water. Her bikini was lime green and fit her perfectly. Mandy got ready to join Sky and called out for Chloe to jump in as well. Mandy stood by the end of the pool letting her long hair drag on the floor near the pool. She had a white flowery bikini that showed her tall and slim body very well. Troy ran towards Mandy and tossed her in the pool with him. They both splashed and fell to the bottom of the pool together. When they reached the top Mandy began to playfully hit Troy and yell at him. They laughed and swam towards the edge of the pool. Troy swam up with his beautiful brown hair dripping by his neck and his perfectly chiseled face and dark facial hair. His body was strong and filled with tattoos. He leaned over and called Chloe to come in. She applied some suntanning oil to her skin and joined them in the pool. She walked in to sit and wet her feet.
Her beauty was admired from every direction. Her bikini was a flowery one that snugged every curve perfectly. Her different colored eyes shined in the sun. She smiled and jumped in the pool. They all enjoyed swimming and laughing with the rest of the vampires in the pool. Some other wolf packs joined as well, and they were all introduced. The party was a success and served as a great distraction for them even if only for a little while. Eventually everyone started walking towards their rooms. Von leaned in and whispers into Chloe’s ear.
“I am hoping to see you tonight. I will come to your chambers.” said Von
Chloe smiled and blushed. The pack managed to find their rooms with some confusion. The mansion was huge and easy to get lost. Sounds of moaning and screaming was heard from the halls as Chloe walked to her room. She entered the room assigned to her and found Luke inside instead.
“Chloe!” said Luke
“Hey, Luke! What are you doing in my room? Is everything okay?” asked Chloe
“I miss you…I miss us.” said Luke
“Luke, I told you we need to concentrate on this battle.” said Chloe
“I was thinking…what if this is our last time together?” said Luke
“Do not talk like that, we won’t let these witches win.” said Chloe
“They took over an entire coven of vampires centuries ago. They have only multiplied over the years.” said Luke
Chloe gives Luke a look of concern. She grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes.
“Look at me Luke I will not let anything, and I mean anything happen to you or any of you.” said Chloe
“I will die for you Chloe!” said Luke
“I know this, and I love you.” said Chloe
Luke kneels in front of Chloe while she sat on the bed. He placed his head on her lap and rested. She caressed his hair for a while with no words. They simply took in the moment. Moments later they were interrupted and startled by a knock at the door. Von entered the room.
“My love!” whispers Von
“Von!” yelled Chloe nervously
“What the fuck are you doing in here Von? Did you get lost?” yelled Luke
“Luke calm down! Von just stopped by to say goodnight, and make sure I was fine, I am sure.” said Chloe.
“I will let you two rest, have a goodnight.” said Von
Von closed the door and made his way to another woman’s chamber for the night. Chloe looked down at Luke and offered her hand to get him up. He looks up at her and began to kiss on her legs. She gave in to the moment and laid back. Luke pleased her in every way possible that night. He made love to her as if it was truly their last night.
Chloe felt more powerful than ever in the moment. Luke lifted her up and placed her on the wall. He satisfied her until she started dripping wet on his mouth. Chloe pushed him onto a chair and began to return the favor on her knees. Her warm mouth took Luke into another world. When he finished, he took her to the bed. She climbed on top and they begin to wrestle for control. Chloe regained control and climbed on top again. She began to ride him. Luke scratched her thighs while he lost control. Her drive has grown tremendously since the last time they had sex. She was completely in control and driving him wild. He looked up at Chloe as she was about to climax then suddenly, she bit Luke’s shoulder. He screamed in pain and pushed her off.
“I am so sorry Luke! Please forgive me. I don’t know what got over me. It was all too much, and our connection is so strong, you are bleeding so much! Come here.” said Chloe
Luke stared at Chloe and walks over to her. His eyes have changed form and was in between human form and wolf form. He was shining from head to toe like the sun. Chloe began to feel the same. She looked down at her own hands and they were shining bright like a star in the sky. Their bodies were glistening and extra sensitive. They looked at each other in confusion and began to worry. Chloe ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She was relieved to know that she looked normal except for her glowing skin.
“Luke can you explain this. Has this happened to you guys before?” asked Chloe
“Chloe! My love, my alpha, you have bonded us for life.” said Luke
“We are already all bounded for life Luke.” yelled Chloe
“No this is different Chloe…. when you bit me, it sealed the mating fate. You have chosen me as your mate. We are now bonded together for life as a mate. We are bonded to have kids and keep the legacy going.” said Luke
“Luke really!” yelled Chloe
Chloe begins to cry tears of joy. She grabbed Luke and held him tight. They stayed that way for several minutes. Luke began to heal and kissed her forehead.
“I love you; I am going to go get some rest” said Luke
“Please stay” said Chloe
Luke smiled at Chloe and walked back towards the bed. He lays down and placed his arm around her until they fell asleep. Morning time arrived and Luke was awakened by the sound of Chloe training in the bedroom.
“Good morning Luke! I feel great! I feel amazing! I am ready for this fight!” yelled Chloe
Luke laughs and agrees that he was ready as well, and it was time. They met with the others and train for hours. They gathered at the meeting hall and were greeted by all the other vampires and wolves. The sun was going down, and it was almost time for the battle. The Highaut leader approached the group and spoke loudly and with power.
He was older with white hair and dark eyes. His clothing was of royalty and his presence demanded respect.
“Hello, everyone welcome and thank you for accepting the invitation. I gathered you all today to wish you good luck! I give you all the permission to attack. Witches have always come around to end and destroy any other supernatural beings. They feel we are a threat to the world. We have rules and laws that we must follow, and we have always done that. This is the reason we are able to live alongside humans for so many centuries. Thanks to our resources we were able to pinpoint their exact location. We also have reason to believe they were the ones creating the ferals. Good thing we were able to control this before we vampires killed off the wolves in retaliation or vice versa. We apologize to the wolves for accusing them of creating ferals. As we all can tell that was the witches’ intensions. To put us all against each other. Once we realized the ferals weren’t being created by any of the packs, we held back and investigated further. I want to thank Chloe’s pack for taking care of the ferals for us. You have a hybrid with you as well. A half witch who will reveal openings for you throughout your journey. Farewell! See you all when this is over!” said the Head of the Highaut
When the speech is over everyone started to prepare. James immediately ran to Luke and gave him a big bear hug and lifted him up in joy. Sky ran to Chloe crying and hugged her tight. Troy patted Luke on the shoulder with a tear in his eye and congratulated him. Mandy screamed in excitement and group hugged Chloe.
“Wait…what is going on?” asked Chloe
Luke laughs and thanks them all.
“But we have not even told you guys anything about last night” said Chloe
“We are a pack and we can all sense the same things you sense Chloe beca
use you are our Alpha. We all felt it last night.” said James
“I am super excited! We can finally start a family and pass down the traditions.” said Sky
“Congratulations! This is great news and will make you stronger for battle. Alright everyone the location is across the world. We would fly but we agreed on running there. It will take an entire day to arrive. Shall anyone need to rest along the way we will only be stopping twice for feedings.” said Von
The group agreed and began to take off together. They managed to feed in between traveling to avoid stopping. Luke and Chloe were inseparable. Von glanced at Chloe occasionally while speeding up next to her. The bond they had was completely gone the minute she mated with Luke. Almost twenty-four hours later and a few minutes before midnight they arrive at a mountain area. The area was open and beautiful. Full of trees and melted snow with a scenic view. The body of water flowed slowly, and the midnight skies shined bright filled with stars. Everyone stopped and took in the view.
“We are here!” said Amy
“All I see is mountains, where do we go?” asked Troy
Amy waves her hand one time and a village began to slowly form.
“I only came here to help you all find the hidden village. I figured the witches have been hiding with magic and I was right. I have used a lot of magic to uncover this entire village and I am weak now. I am of no use to you all anymore, good luck I will be returning back.” said Amy
“Thank you so much Amy” said Chloe
“See you soon my dear!” said Von
The only way to the village was to fly or jump up on trees and make their way across the lake. They all began to travel up towards the hidden village. They were near when a blast of fire hit them all unexpectedly and made them all land in the water. A loud voice was paired with a woman floating in the air. She had gray hair and was covered in a hooded coat.
“That was a warning shot! The next one won’t land you in water to cool off, it will disintegrate you. Leave now or you all die! yelled the Witch